Chappell Feedlot provides professional cattle care utilizing low stress handling principles and techniques. Minimizing stress during all phases of cattle production is proven to improve overall health and efficiencies. Vaccine efficacy is dramatically improved when processing cattle in a relaxed atmosphere and when restrained properly.
The Chappell Feedlot marketing model involves carcass ultrasound data and live cattle sorting to maximize the genetic potential and profitability of the cattle. Low stress cattle handling utilizing flags and points of balance for movement are crucial in the process of sorting and shipping to minimize any dark cutters and prevent injuries.
Lynn Locatelli, DVM, and owner of Cattlexpressions, is a leading authority within the beef industry for low stress animal handling and carcass ultrasound technology. Chappell Feed lot proudly utilizes the services of Cattlexpressions as a consultant in how we can better our business as well as our industry.